Better Buffy Fiction Archive Entry


Along Came a Spider

by Elizabeth

Fandom: BtVS
Spoilers: Through Season Five
Summary: Keep your friends close...
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Joss, not I. One line in this story is from the episode "Innocence " and was written by Joss Whedon.
Distribution: List archives/site. Otherwise please ask.
August 2001

He watches Dawn's throat.

A pulse beats there, nestled in the hollow of her skin, and looking at it ignites a bright hot buzz in Spike's head; little lightning flashes streaking across his sight every time he blinks.

Pain has always grown on him.

Angel comes, dressed in black and weeping, as soon as he hears Buffy is dead. I loved her, he says. I can't believe she's gone. Spike listens outside, leans against the wall with a cigarette slowly burning out between his fingers. Giles and the others told him to stay away but he refused. He knew they'd just come up with some sort of spell to keep him out anyway.

He hears Dawn ask, "Then why did you leave?" and smiles.

To kill this girl, you have to love her. He waits until they all come outside and asks Angel if he remembers saying those words. Angel punches him in the face.

Dawn looks at him, bright-eyed and stricken. He knows she's thinking about how very much she loved Buffy. How very much Buffy loved her.

"Not you," he says.

But he doesn't mean it.


Dawn brings him blood sometimes.

She brings him the kind he likes, lifts it from the blood bank that sits across town. He taught her how to pick the lock so she could break in at night, but she says it's easier to volunteer and just take a few bags with her when she goes. He sees a lot of Buffy in her when she hands him the bags, in the way her nose wrinkles up, mingled outrage and interest.

He likes the slippery plastic feel of the bags, the way they give under his teeth so easily. It's almost like skin. And inside is the tangy iron taste of humanity, a million heartbeats trapped and waiting just for him.

"Want me to tell you what the sky looks like?" she says as she hands him a bag.

She asks him that once in a while. She seems to think he misses seeing clouds. She tells him that Buffy showed her how to see shapes in them when she was little.

"But that never happened, did it?" she asks.

"No," he says. "It never did."

"And she knew that, didn't she?"

He doesn't miss the sky at all. He shrugs, rips into the bag and drinks.


He takes her to Buffy's grave every week.

They go on Thursday night. He watches some execrable sitcom with Dawn first, some show she likes, and then they walk to the cemetery. They sit there, in the dark, and he tells her stories. Sometimes they're true, sometimes they're not. Sometimes he talks about Buffy, a little. Sometimes Dawn cries.

"I miss her," she says.

He hugs her when she says that. He always forgets how warm human skin is, the burning hot feel and scent of it rising up through her clothes and into him.

"I do too," he tells her and looks at the stone bearing Buffy's name. "She loved you. Don't ever forget that."

He knows he won't.


They talk about Joyce, sit in Giles's apartment and look at photo albums. They never discuss her while they sit in the dark where Buffy's body is supposed to rest.

He would raise Buffy if Dawn asked. She never has, and he thinks it's because she knows what his answer would be.

She says she isn't strong like Buffy. He agrees, but never tells her so.

"You're strong," he says. "You're a survivor."

"I am?" she asks, and wipes her eyes with balled-up fists.

"I am," she says, and looks up to meet his eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," he replies.

He means that not everyone can be a hero. He knows.

He sort of tried.


The line of Dawn's back is tiny. Her bones are still growing. He can hear them, if he listens closely. They crackle and pop as they stretch, as cells multiply and spread.

He once gave a girl's spine to Dru. The human back is easy to open, and a spine is easy to remove. Dru didn't realize that the bones would break.


She says he makes her feel safe.

He smiles and calls her niblet.

"Just a nibble," Dru used to say when she brought home a snack. "It'll take away the edge."


She says she has trouble sleeping, that Giles's apartment is too quiet, that Xander and Anya's is too loud. She says she feels like she's in the way at Willow and Tara's.

"I feel like I don't belong anywhere," she says, and closes her eyes. He can see the light blue tracework of veins across her eyelids.

"I'll take care of you," he whispers, and means it.
